Feedback from team members

Vo Tuong Minh
For this assignment, our group is divided into 3 teams: Research & Writing, Web Development, and Game Development.

The Research & Writing team consists of Nhi and Manh, who are both very hard working and active in communication with other group members to collect resources for our report paper. Thus, they are instrumental in conveying our project idea and progress in the report and writing content for the group’s website. Additionally, one area Manh could improve on is his public speaking skill, as it would aid in his future career in IT.

Linh and Huy are in charge of Web Development. They are also very enthusiastic with our assignment. However, their progress is somewhat slower than that of our Research & Writing team, perhaps due to them having to wait for Nhi and Manh to finish their web content writing. With that said, I would still like to advise Linh and Huy to make better use of their idle time and be more active for their future group assignments so that they could achieve better results.

With support from other team members, game development and project management are my main responsibilities. I am glad that after over 10 weeks of working together on this assignment, we have all grown and honed our skills in IT and teamwork. However, I still have a lot to learn. My management is still far from optimal, and I could still provide more support to my team members, considering that the project demo is optional for this assignment. I am very grateful for the help and cooperation that my team members provided me, such that I was able to learn what I love - game development and project management.
Nguyen Hoang Linh
During the period of close to or more than 10 weeks working together, I found Kuri’s teamwork to be very effective and efficient. Our team divided the work very clearly and the members followed the deadlines closely. We have three main groups, which are Game development, Web development, and Research and Writing group. For game development, Mike is the leader of this group. His meticulousness and dedication to the project have been paid off with the result of a game that looks simple but is actually a mountain of time and effort. Moving on to the next group, Nhat Huy is one of my group’s members, and we work on building the website for Kuri together. He is a studious and attentive person that tries his best to do the tasks. Last but not least, Nhi and Manh, who are members of the Writing group, are the ones in charge of writing the final report and uploading the content for our group. We can all see the high quality of this group through the final report, and I rate this group as the most important group in our team.
Doan Yen Nhi
The first member of Kuri, Mike Vo, is a very passionate, professional, and responsible leader. He has great management and planning skills, and he sets the weekly goals and deadlines clearly for us to follow. He is very supportive and caring of other members; nevertheless, he is also strict when it comes to work and deadlines so that we can finish our tasks on time. He also tries his best and puts a lot of effort into his work, which is clearly reflected through the game. Overall, Mike is an incredible and reliable leader to work with.

The next member is Manh Du, who is in my Writing and Research Group. Although Manh is quite reserved, he usually raises various helpful suggestions for the project in general and the writing process in specific. He is also very responsible and hardworking: he finishes all of his weekly tasks early, and his work is of very good quality. Therefore, working with Manh is very enjoyable and productive.

Thirdly, our Lead Web Developer Linh Nguyen is a very innovative and active person. He usually gives very useful constructive feedback to our work, and he can come up with creative ideas for the project. He is also willing to learn new things to gain new knowledge and help other members. He also communicates effectively with other members.

Next is Huy Nguyen, who is our Web Developer. Huy is good at communicating: he responds fast to our messages and keeps up with all the information in Kuri. However, we sometimes need to remind him of deadlines and tasks; hence, he needs to improve his timeliness regarding deadlines.

Lastly, I feel that I am quite diligent and proactive: I actively divide the tasks between members of the writing group, and I usually finish my tasks early. I also constantly remind Kuri members of certain deadlines and schedules. Despite this, I sometimes forget some important details that we previously discussed during group meetings. Hence, I feel that I should also take notes more regularly during group meetings.
Nguyen Nhat Huy
For 10 weeks working on the project with the Kuri team, I realized how efficient we are when working as a team. Every member has their own task that is suitable for their ability. Fortunately, my team leader can manage the project efficiently by setting weekly deadlines and using the team calendar to track the progress. We divided into 3 groups : Web development, Game Development and Writing group. I am in the web development group and I have experienced lots of new things. Linh, who is also a web developer, has helped me a lot in coding, and he works efficiently with his knowledge. Next group is the game development with Mike Vo, who has finished his task perfectly. He also has good management skills, which helps him organize and give out tasks in a reasonable way. Finally, the most important group is the Writing group, with Nhi and Manh contributing many things to our team. With their writing skills, our report has been written perfectly, and Linh, Mike and I can focus on coding. Hence, I think the writing group might be the most important part of our group project.
Do Duc Manh
Here is my feedback for my team’s members as well as my reflection on my performance.

Mike: He is the team leader and the game developer, who is very keen on his game and has been proactive in the group. He also contacts and consults other classmates who have necessary skills to help him improve the game. Lastly, he usually arranges our group meetings and asks to check the group’s progress updates.

Linh: He is the web and game developer of our team. Although being away for a few weeks because of COVID, he keeps his working pace and joins group meetings through calls when needed. He gives very constructive feedback for every members’ project ideas in the previous assignment.

Huy: He is also a web developer of our team, and he works well with his team leader Linh. Even though he communicates with us regularly, he might need to work on his time management skills and be more responsive when the team needs progress updates on our group chat. He also helps in preparing the presentation for the standup meetings and the project presentation.

Nhi: She is the leader of the research and writing group who works hard and usually finishes her work before the research and writing group’s deadline. Her writing quality is good, and the grammar and content of the writing are taken care of attentively. She also has not missed any group meetings.

Manh: I am the remaining member of the research and writing group, and I joined every group meeting and gave contributions. Even though I have not missed any deadlines and did not take my work lightly, I sometimes procrastinate; hence, I need to take time and finish my work sooner.