About us

Game Developer Leader

Vo Tuong Minh
I’ve liked game development since I first played video games from the old days. Due to the increasing popularity of virtual assistants and mobile devices, I also want to learn AI, especially in how it can improve productivity and ease humans’ problems. My ideal job for now is to be a software development manager. Although I have not gotten a clear path of what I will do yet, I want to develop myself to be able to handle multiple tasks and be versatile. I think I would have to learn knowledge that can make me reach the requirements of a full stack developer. Furthermore, I will make friends who have different skills so I can learn from them.

Web Developer Leader

Nguyen Hoang Linh
I am interested in network architecture, programming, and developing websites. I became interested in IT when I got my first computer and when I studied programming with Pascal during secondary school. My ideal job is full-stack Java developer, and my career plan is to graduate with a Bachelor of IT degree. I also plan to attain more knowledge and understanding of frameworks, interface, databases, and algorithms. I have also attended extra programming classes and done an internship, and I will connect with other developers to improve myself.

Writing Group Leader

Doan Yen Nhi
My hobby is reading webcomics, and I especially love the comic named “Purple Hyacinth.” I started using Discord last year, and it sparked my interest in IT because of the interesting functions and features of the platform. In the IT field, I am interested in developing front-end for websites and apps. Hence, my ideal job is to be a front-end developer, and to achieve this, I plan on finishing my Bachelor of IT at RMIT University and do an internship or freelance work to acquire working experience. I will also focus on developing HTML, CSS, JavaScript and related tools like React and GitHub.

Web Developer

Nguyen Nhat Huy
When I was in secondary school, my friend gave me a basic introduction to programming with Pascal, and I first felt that coding was fantastic when the screen showed two familiar words: “hello world.” Actually, I have been exposed to computers since they were big and bulky. I want to be a solution architect in the future. Now, I am paying attention to Python and learning MySQL as they are necessary for my career. I also plan to learn C, C++ and Java in the future because they are common languages that can give me more job opportunities.

Writing Group

Do Duc Manh
I am interested in cybersecurity, especially penetration testing. At the start of grade 12, I found a video explaining how some hacking tools are used from Hak5 on YouTube. The tools can avoid detection, and penetration testers can extract data as their client’s request. My plan is focusing on programming in Python first as it will be useful for scripting for penetration testing. Then, I will learn C and C++ because they are widely used to create programs and OSes. I will also try to discover deep into Kali Linux on my PC. In addition, I will try to earn the CCNA Routing and Switching certification as soon as possible. It will help me to know the foundation of networking, which is important for cybersecurity.

Group Process

  For assignment 3, our team Kuri worked closely and communicated frequently with each other, which contributed greatly to the success of our project. All members did not hesitate to ask for help, and everyone were willing to assist each other. Hence, we can confidently say that Kuri has effective teamwork skills.

  If we can pursue this project after assignment 3, we would further optimize the game so that it can run more smoothly, fix more bugs, and add more interesting features like speed boosters where the spider can earn these to increase its speed.

Career Plans

  From the information in section b), we can conclude that there are some similarities and differences between our ideal jobs. Our biggest common aspect is that we all need to gain more knowledge and experience with our desired areas, which is understandable, since we are all first-year IT students. In other words, we have to enhance and improve our technical skills and become more familiar with certain tools. However, there are also various differences, and the first difference is about the specific tools and skills required for our ideal jobs. For example, Manh and Huy’s jobs require them to focus on Python, C and C++, while Huy and Linh will learn more about databases, and Nhi plans to improve her HTML, CSS, and JavaScript-related skills. In addition, since Mike would like to be a software development manager, he will need to be more proficient in management and leadership skills compared to the other members. Our ideal jobs and career plans are also different in the areas that we need to focus on. For instance, Nhi only needs to focus on the front-end, or the user side, while Linh, Huy and Mike need to take care of both front-end and back-end, or in other words, both the client and server sides, and Manh has to specifically deal with security. Lastly, our plans to master the necessary tools and skills vary as well. Mike and Linh will try to make connections with other people in the industry, while Nhi may do some freelance work, Manh plans to earn certifications required for his ideal job, and Huy plans to know more programming languages.