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First name must contain the following:

First name contains at least 3 letters

Last name must contain the following:

Last name contains at least 3 letters

Ex: or or
Email must contain the following:

Valid email has the form [name]@[domain]
[name] consists of letters (a to z, both lower and upper cases), digits, and dots
Two dots cannot be positioned next to each other and dots cannot be located at the beginning or at the end of [name]
The length of [name] is at least 3
[domain] consists of letters, digits, and dots
There should be at least one dot in [domain] & [name]
Two dots cannot be positioned next to each other
Dots cannot be located at the beginning or at the end of [domain]
The part of [domain] after the last dot contains only letters and has a minimum length of 2 and a maximum length of 5

Phone number must contain the following:

Valid phone number contains 9 to 11 digits.
Space, dot, and dash can be used but cannot be positioned at the beginning or at the end or next to each other of a phone

Preferred Contact Method

Contact Days

500 letters remaining